THE VAULT OF SECRETS: A look beneath the dust cover just for you...
April 5th NewsletterThe first line of a book is the first big hook. If it is interesting, makes me think, or makes me ask some sort of question, then I'm hooked. I must see what happens next. A lot of work goes into first lines. What does he need to see for himself? Why is the screw in her ankle worn down? Why did it take seven years to write ONE letter?
Wingbound's First Line
"I need to see for myself. I am told they are vicious and wild."
Can you guess which YA books these first lines came from?
1. "The screw through Cinder's ankle had rusted, the engraved cross marks worn to a mangled circle."
2. "It took seven years to get the letter right."
3. "It is a truth universally acknowledged, that a single man in possession of a good fortune, must be in want of a wife."
1. "The screw through Cinder's ankle had rusted, the engraved cross marks worn to a mangled circle."
2. "It took seven years to get the letter right."
3. "It is a truth universally acknowledged, that a single man in possession of a good fortune, must be in want of a wife."
(See answers below.)
Check out these beautiful books and their first lines by author-friends I've met while launching Wingbound. Don't these first lines make you want to find out more?
Over Raging Tides |
Phoenix Descending |
The Five Warriors |
"My feet haven't touched dry land in one hundred and two days."
"The dogs bound forward with purpose, their sharp, angry barks echoing in the winter air."
"A shadow moved in the unceasing midnight blackness."
I love when a first line makes you think. They cause so many questions. Why haven't they been on dry land in 102 days? What are the dogs running after? Who is the shadow in the night?
Bring on More Books
Check out this sight where WINGBOUND is featured! Gotta love Dragons & Spaceships' book choices!
Answers to questions above:
Cinder | Caraval |
Pride and Prejudice |
"It took seven years to get the letter right."
"It is a truth universally acknowledged, that a single man in possession of a good fortune, must be in want of a wife."
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