EDITING is like cutting Rapunzel's hair. My manuscript really needed a trim... for a long time. But I just couldn't get myself to do it. I sent it to the editor as a big hairy mess. She combed it here and there, but I knew it had to be trimmed and styled. It was at 86,000 words. Now it is at 78,000 words. I also cut SO many words that apparently are just filler words. (Haha, I used 2 in that sentence!)
My most used: JUST
The others: that, begins, starts, feels like, looks like, turns, know, says, look/watch/see, hear
And apparently I misuse "like" when I should be using "as if" or "as though."
Holy Grammar, Batman!
In addition, I cut a bunch of mechanics. For example, "She nodded her head." Of course you nod your HEAD. You don't nod anything else. So I deleted "her head" and all the other body parts used for waving, sitting, shrugging, etc.
Let's not waste words!
Luckily, it works. Thankfully, it reads better. And my baby is even cuter now. Oh WINGBOUND, I love thee. Let me count the ways!