TITLE: Sisters Red
AUTHOR: Jackson Pearce ~ Web
GENRE: Young Adult, Fairytale Fiction, Paranormal
PUBLISHED: Little, Brown Books for Young Readers; 1 edition (June 7, 2010)
FORMAT: Hard Cover
SOURCE: Library ~ For Local Book Club
Rosie is drawn to Silas, a young man from their home town, and feels as though she is betraying her sister. The three go on a mission to find the “Potential” (the next man to be bit and turn into a werewolf) but they have no idea how to find him.
The only bad thing was the predictability of the plot. But nonetheless, I liked the story. It was full of action. Just when I would want to put it down, something would happen and I would have to keep reading. And the love story was intoxicating—I love falling in love through a book. The most interesting thing about this book is what the author did with Point-Of-View (POV). It’s quite fascinating and it couldn’t’ have been told better! The chapters alternate 1st Person POV between Scarlett, the strong, highly motivated, deeply scarred—and Rosie, the young, innocent, sweet. It was hard to shift gears for the first few chapters, but as I got into it, I couldn’t wait to hear what Rosie thought or what Scarlett would feel about a certain event. It really rounded out the story and gave a deeper look into the sisters’ lives. Had it been 3rd person POV, it wouldn’t have been as deep or thoughtful. If it was in 1st person POV of just one of the girls, we would have missed half the story.
I know book covers have nothing to do with the quality of the story, but it is sweeeeet! I admit, I choose books because of pretty covers and this one is nothing short of awesome!